Thursday, October 16, 2014

ASMR Destiny Workshop

ASMR Destiny Workshop 

Have you wondered what it is you are meant to be or do?  What are the burdens holding you back from following your chosen path? Replace your obstacles with the knowledge that your Destiny will unfurl if you partner with your guides to move forward.  Relax with me, and in that relaxed state, it is easy to receive the messages you need to here.

This Workshop includes seven modules each with a written section and video.  Complete the workshop over seven weeks or as a boot camp in one week!

Objective: Through written material receive activities and steps to work towards your soul path.  Multiple guided meditations will direct you down your path and help you reach out to the guides that will support you along the way. 

Workshop including over 7 hours of video is available through Amazon on Kindle worldwide (search Jessica Cross)

- For an additional $26 fee you can receive a personalized video with runes, tarot and oracle card readings, and an intuitive meditation all created to help guide you down your path. Click Here

We all have things we would like to change in our lives or areas where we would like to grow.  Sometimes we just feel stuck and we do not know why.  It is important to constantly learn and grow in our lives or we stagnate.  This can also lead to feelings of emptiness and lack of purpose.  We need find purpose in our lives so that we can have the feelings of accomplishment that comes with completing a goal.  This allows us to feel competent and strong.

Our society tells us what we should want to be and what we should want to do.  It is familiar to follow these guidelines even if it is not making us happy.  The media tells us that we should want to be rich and thin, and often we strive towards this without thinking if these are really our priorities.  It is time to sit down and take time to figure out what you really want out of life.  You may be surprised.  When you figure out your priorities you can then set goals which reflect your priorities.  You may have been spending much of your time pursuing goals that are meaningless for you.  The following workshop will help you spend time working through your real destiny and soul path. 
                Thinking about your destiny can feel overwhelming.  Often our path is long and we may not even know how to start.  It can be scary to think of all the tasks that need to be completed before we reach that goal.  This is why we do not start many of the tasks that will help us reach our objectives.  We will find ways to break these tasks into smaller steps, and help you to focus on just one step a week. 
                Our current path may take many years to complete.  The benefits of following this path may be far in the future.  Without those benefits it is difficult to maintain our enthusiasm.  It is necessary to reward ourselves after each small step we complete.  Following our destiny is often difficult, and if we do not acknowledge that hard work along the way.  It is easy to get discouraged.  To maintain your motivation you must congratulate yourself and through meditation allow your guides to congratulate you for the hard work you are doing on a regular basis.  In fact, applaud yourself right now for beginning this workshop and starting to change your life.

Purchase Destiny Workshop with Personalized Video

I hope to take many journeys with you,

Jessica Cross, LCSW

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