Monday, September 7, 2015

New Meditation Clearing Workshop

What do you want to change in your life?  What new would you like to bring into your life?  What is blocking your from moving forward?  In order to bring new things into our lives we need to make room for them.  It is important to clear out any mental or physical baggage that needs to be released to open up space for something better.  What old beliefs or belongings no longer fit with who you are now?

Our body creates new cells and releases old cells constantly, but we often hold on to thoughts and beliefs that no longer work with our lifestyle or make us happy.  You may feel guilty for letting go of something you believed in for so long but it is a natural part of our growth.  We are constantly changing and that is a wonderful part of being human.

It is also important to let go of physical items that no longer fit with who you are.  How can you become a new you if you are holding on to clothing or household items that are closely connected to an earlier version of yourself?  How can you change and move forward in your life if you have no room in your physical space to bring in anything new?

I am so excited that you will be joining me on this journey. I have been focusing heavily on this work and it is really life changing. You will receive a PDF with all the written material, including the meditations and links to all the videos so you can complete this workshop yearly if you want or as often as you would like. You can also revisit the meditations and activities that really resonate with you.

This E-book will free you to let go of what you no longer need physically and emotionally. It is amazing how this clearing then opens you up to bring in what you do want. When we keep focusing on what we don't want that is currently in our lives, it not only makes you miserable but it makes it harder to bring in new and better things to your life! I can wait to take this journey with you.

This Ebook will help you to look at what needs to be release in a kind and gentle way. Through meditation and activities you can become unstuck and move forward. This will be 7 steps of gradually opening up your mind and your environment to allow improvements into your life. Change your life over a weekend or complete the steps more slowly over a few weeks, whatever fits your schedule and personality.  Receive over 5 hours of video from the live workshop including more than 7 meditations to open you up to abundance.

I hope you will join my Tribe and Journey with me,

Jessica Cross

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