Monday, February 29, 2016

Tarot Guided Energies for March 2016 - Go with the Flow!

So Much is Happening in March!

Not only is it MY Birthday Month, it is eclipse season and the Spring Equinox.  I love these clicks in the Wheel of the Year.  I love to figure out what idea seeds I want to plant this Spring.

So far I am focusing on more meditations.  The best deal to get those is Patreon., just a $1 donation gets you access to weekly MP3 downloads that are $1 each on ITunes.  Those are also available on Spotify if you don't mind the adds.

I am also back on YouTube, but focusing on live meditation groups.  Please subscribe so you don't miss those.  I also have many musical irons in the fire that I may share at a later time.  I hope each of you have some new ideas percolating that you can start to move forward on in March.

My word for this year is Flow, so I will be trying to flow along with the energies, rather than fight them.  Here is your sneak peak at what is coming.  Love you guys, Jess.


1Focus your energy!
2Move forward based on reality.
3Take some time off.
4There is a new project to start.
5This may not be the right time.
6Celebrate the beauty of life.
7Don’t do this alone.
8Make a different choice.
9Consider all aspects to decide
10Enjoy your passion!
11Stand firm in your ideas.
12You know the answer! Listen.
13Learn from this growth.
14Think of a better life.
15Use power wisely.
16Don’t decide based on fear.
17Keep focusing on this decision.
18Don’t miss this opportunity.
19Changes are inevitable.
20Learn from that past experience.
21Chose what will make you proud.
22Joy is necessary and good.
23Don’t get distracted.
24Change is coming soon.
25Accept your rewards gratefully.
26Force is not the only way.
27Focus your skills.
28Let yourself relax.
29Be at peace with the world.
30Is this what you wanted?
31Enjoy the finer things.

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