Monday, September 14, 2009

Pregnancy Lessons

Here is a great site I found for learning Tarot:
I especially like the lesson on the Fools Journey and her Exercises on learning the characteristics of the Minor Arcana. She is a very good teacher and doesn't just focus on memorization. I'm not following her lessons exactly because I want to try and learn the basics of each card a bit faster than the 78 days she suggests.

Today's Reading:

I'm not totally feeling this one today so I will try to interpret the best I can but maybe the meaning will become clearer to me over time, or I'm not interpreting correctly.

Past: Page of Wands - Keywords: Creative Enthusiastic, Courageous, Confident
The notes said that I wanted to try something new. This could relate to the new marketing project or to trying to get pregnant. After considering it I think it makes more sense in terms of pregnancy. We have been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years and have been seeing a fertility specialist for the past year. Still not pregnant and we are considering invitro fertilization soon.

Present: The Hanged Man (Reversed) - Keywords: Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice
The notes say that I need to be careful to not rationalize inappropriate behavior by saying I am just being myself. I write this while drinking a glass of wine which I usually don't do. It is kind of my passive aggressive reaction to not being pregnant. Every month when I find out I'm not pregnant after obsessing about it for two weeks I immediate break all the rule (drinking, eating sushi, hot baths, coffee). I know some of these are really rules for the first month of pregnancy but with how hard it has been trying to get pregnant I don't take any chances.
I have been rationalizing that at least with me not being pregnant (and we are taking a month off from trying because of my husband's travel schedule next summer) at least I can really party at my Las Vegas trip next month. I know this is probably not a good idea as I will be at a work conference.

Future: King of Pentacles - Keywords: Enterprising, Adept, Reliable, Supporting, Steady
The notes said that I would like to set down responsibility and indulge myself in the good things in life. This could also relate to the Vegas trip. I could probably enjoy and pamper myself on this trip without being a drunkard and embarrassing myself at a conference. Maybe I will treat myself to a spa day or an expensive theater show rather than drinking myself into a stupor.

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