Sunday, December 6, 2009

Reading for my sister

Path to a Goal Spread

King of Wands
Hidden Health position. Shows internal physical and emotional health.

You are focusing all of your energy in one direction.

The High Priestess - Reversed
Visible Health position. Shows what others see in your physical or emotional health.

Listen to your inner voice but don't just listen. Take your gut feelings and turn them into action.

Four of Pentacles - Reversed
Hidden (what's on the inside that your don't show) Attitude position.

You may be giving away all your energy to others. Save some for yourself.

Visible mental Attitude position

Live your life in balance and moderation. Make sure your actions are appropriate to the situation at hand. Take care of yourself physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually.

Five of Pentacles
Hidden Relationships position

You are in need. Ask for help even if it is scary.

The Lovers - Reversed
Visible Relationships position

Don't let your relationships focus on only one element. Look to grow your compatibility in all areas.

Two of Swords
Hidden Career position

You need to make a decision and your aren't sure what to do. Look clearly at the situation. You know the right thing to do but you are afraid.

Queen of Swords
Visible Career position

You have created order in your world. You have learned from your trials and our joys and made peace.

Four of Swords
Hidden Spiritual path position

You need to take some time to recharge. You will solve your problem after your have relaxed and regained your strength.

Page of Pentacles
Visible Spirit position

You have gotten good at what you have been practicing. You are ready to accept mastery and move on to a new goal.

The World
Outcome of the present path.

The present path is leading you to completion and accomplishment. You are feeling in control of yourself and your world. Your life feels natural and right.

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