Friday, September 18, 2015

Saturn in Sagittarius Tarot Spread and Tips

Hi Guys,

Saturn moved back into Sagittarius in the late evening Eastern time on September 17th, 2015 and will be there until December 2017.  There are some important lessons to learn at this time.  I created the above Tarot Spread to help work with this energy over the next few years.  Use it to check in with your progress regularly to continue moving forward.

I pulled a few cards with additional guidance for dealing this this transit.  I hope these are helpful, and congratulations to those of us with Scorpio in our charts for working with Saturn again this summer, whew...

Tip #1 - Three of Swords Reversed

Don't allow yourself to use past or current hurts to stop moving forward.  Sometime it is tempting to use morning a loss to avoid life. It is time to take control of your life and do what you need to do to make your life better.

Tip #2 - Ten of Cups Reversed

The things that are good in your life are there because you have worked to make them that way.  Don't get lazy! Keep doing what you have done to maintain your positive relationships and the aspects of your life that make you happy.

Tip #3 - Page of Pentacles

You are feeling good and accomplished in one area.  It is now time to give yourself a new challenge so you can continue to progress.

I hope you are all doing well during this eclipse season.  It has already been a huge change for me and I am eager to see what the lunar eclipse will bring.  I have a new surge of energy for making videos, and will be including many more meditations as part of my videos.  I also have the Clearing Workshop mostly written and will use the Mercury Retrograde energy to look it over and edit.  That will start up at the end of September if you are interested find out more about this 7 week workshop:

I hope you are all enjoying this season change and I will check back in again soon.

Jessica Cross


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